Monday, December 3, 2007

Surgery # 5

Chance under went yet another surgery this week... he was scheduled to go in on Wednesday the 28th, however he ended up having a bit of an episode that altered the plans a bit! That afternoon as they were preparing him to go in for surgery, however Chance ended up having what looked like a slight seizure... before we knew what was happening his chest had tightened up, he had turned purple and stopped breathing. As we watch helplessly at his bedside not knowing what the outcome would be they finally bagged him and started manually pumping air into his little lungs. They then decided that it was time to finally inti bate him again after struggling to keep his oxygen levels and heart rate up. A while later after things had calmed down a bit they informed us that he would be going to surgery on Friday instead and that the episode that he had, had was most likely due to the fluid in his chest. Well Friday finally came and we were nervous for yet another day that week for the biggest surgery that would decide our son's fate! We were met this day by several family members there to offer their love and support as we took them in one by one to see Chance. Surgery that day was suppose to take place at 12:30 p.m. but as usual the surgical team fell behind with another case and so he was unable to go until 2:30 p.m. the procedure was to take about 3- 3 1/2 hours. When we finally saw Dr. Myers at 5:30 p.m. we were all relieved to hear that things went very well... she informed us that our prayers had been answered and that when she removed the patch on his belly she was pleasantly surprised to see that the cyst that had been causing him so much grief had disappeared! and that she was finally able to see his stomach,liver, large and small intestines! and they all look healthy!!! Dr. Myers also said that she was able to reattach his bowels!!! however she did have to remove 4 cm. of intestine and also his appendix and cecum. this is a similar picture of what was done.
Dr. Rebeka L. Meyers
Lately Chance has definitely had his better days right now he is on a long road to recovery yet again and the edema that seems to have over taken his little body doesn't seem at the current time to be getting any better, but we just pray at this time that the clouds will soon part and we will be on our way home TOGETHER!!!

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