Sunday, October 21, 2007


The week started out quite good! Chance was doing rather well considering and things seemed to be looking up for a change... until Thursday. Mike called to check on him Thursday morning to find out that Chance had a rather rough night. He had started retaining the fluids that they had been putting into his little body, therefor began to swell immensely weighing 3lbs and 10oz with fluid. His little ears looked to be about three times what they should be and his sweet little face was hardly recognizable... The nurses tried to prepare us for what we would see, but there really is no preparation for something like this. They tried several things to get the swelling down, theyve ran lasiks at least twice a day and also albumin. They said that one of the problems was that his urine out put was low and just wasnt able to get rid of it on his own. Yesterday they finally decided to put a chest tube in, they had inserted one earlier the day before to drain some fluid that he had on his lungs but decided to leave this one in until the swelling goes down. That night just hours after putting the chest tube in the swelling began to decrease, so far they have received 320cc's of fluid from his tiny little body. Later that night we went back to check on Chance and he is starting to look like himself again, the swelling in his face is still pretty sugnifficant but is getting smaller each day. Thursday Dr. Myer will be back to check on him to see if there is a need to go back to surgery sooner than anticipated. One thing that some of the nurses are concerned about is that the pressure from his belly is putting to much strain on his kidneys making it difficult for him to pass urine. "we pray for weird things here" as the nurses at Primary's say, the first month its poop this month its pee!! So far Chance is doing a bit better but is yet in need of many prayers... we are so very grateful for all that have been offered up so far in his behalf and ours.

1 comment:

Cinderella, the A-Train and Our Little Caboose said...

Michelle, I am glad to have found you on Blooger...and to get updates about your baby. I feel so out of the loop, and its at times like these that I am extreemly grateful for technology! (Which is still no excuse). Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you always. And that I love you.

(your long lost cousin)